Sunday, July 13, 2008

Gas Prices Got You Down?

OK, so I'm in Wamsutter, Wyoming (of course, who hasn't been there), and am at the Love's truck stop to buy a Coke Zero. The guy in front of me is a trucker, and I overhear this from the cashier:
"All right, that's $977.63... out of a thousand... and I owe you $22.37"

OUCH! I thought it was costing ME a lot to fill up.

I do have to say, that in looking at the population on the sign, I believe it used to say "681" and only looks like "68" if you don't look carefully. That sounds more logical, as I saw too many houses for there to only be 68 people. Of course, 681 ain't exactly Metropolis. Most of the residents look like this:

or this:

1 comment:

Matthew said...

hehehehe, good one with some of the residents pics.